The Keepsake Personalized Leather Wallet
Imagine every time he opens up his wallet to pay for something he is reminded of his unconditional love for his family. With this wallet, he can carry around your own personal message where ever he goes. This wallet is handmade from split leather, just like your love message to him is handmade. This is a quality wallet that he can use for as long as he wishes because of the genuine leather that it is made from. Remind him of home with this leather wallet.
Make this wallet unique by adding his initials on the outside of the wallet and/or a personal message to go inside the wallet. The message can be put into the text box above (max 140 characters) along with his initials. Follow the example below to ensure accuracy.
message: I love you Tyler. For what you’ve done for us. For our little family. And for our country. You’re my hero. @ Jamie (use the sign @ as a heart)
initials: MH
Personalized Men’s Leather Wallet
Handmade, Split Leather
Clear ID sleeve